ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL won the Labour Law category in EPRAVO.CZ’s prestigious “Law Firm of the Year“ ratings, adding another victory on top of the previous year’s wins in the Telecommunications and Media and Energy and Energy Projects categories. In addition, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL placed highly in the other fourteen categories.
Mgr. Tomáš Slabý, the head of ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL’s Labour Law team, considers this award a great success: “We highly appreciate this award, which primarily reflects the satisfaction and trust of our clients. We also understand it as an appreciation of our Labour Law team’s performance in connection with the issues caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the provision of related advice, especially in the areas of compensation and restructuring of our clients' workforce.” He adds, “Huge thanks to all our colleagues, as well as to all our clients, without whose confidence we wouldn't have won this award.”
In competition with almost 80 Czech and international offices, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL was “highly recommended” in the categories of Energy and Energy Projects, Restructuring and Insolvency, Real Estate Projects, Telecommunications and Medias, Intellectual Property and Compliance. It is “recommended” in the categories of M&A, Information Technology Law, Banking and Finance, Public Procurement, Corporate Law, Competition Law and Dispute resolution. In addition to the above, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL was highly recommended in the special category of Czech Companies in the International Markets.
This result puts us among the best law firms in the Czech Republic.