Mgr. Ing. Jan Havel, an expert in Energy law and a Senior Partner at ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL, spoke at the jubilee 26th edition of the conference with accompanying exhibition The District Heating and Energy Days that was hold traditionally at the Congress, Exhibition and Social Centrum ALDIS in Hradec Králové on September 8th – 9th 2020.
Jan Havel presented his contribution „Study on Building Authorities Practice in Decisions on Applications of Heating Supplies System Disconnection“ in the category "Economy and legislation in the district heating".
The conference participants again met the hottest novelties and innovations, the turbulent development in the Czech and European energetics guarantees there would be no shortage of attractive topics as well. This important event welcomed representatives of heating plants, technological companies, municipalities, housing co-operatives or association of owners.
More information about the conference you can find here