ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL won the Telecommunications & Media category in EPRAVO.CZ’s prestigious “Law Firm of the Year“ ratings, adding another victory on top of last year’s win in the Energy and Energy Projects category. In addition, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL placed highly in the thirteen other categories.
Mgr. Martin Řanda, LL.M., the head of ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL’s Telecommunications & Media team, considers this award a great success: “Our law firm has dealt with legal issues in the field of media since its foundation and in recent years has gained mandates also in the area of telecommunications. Both of these areas go through significant dynamic development and the involved companies have to react to rapidly growing competition with technological innovation and new business models. Legislation is, unfortunately, always one step behind. This is why working in these areas represents not only a challenge for us, but is also extremely interesting and creative in terms of seeking innovative legal procedures. We are proud to be able to solve these problems and provide our clients with the most secure and effective solutions. Great thanks to all our colleagues, as well as to all our clients, without whose confidence we wouldn‘t have won this award.”
In competition with almost 80 Czech and international offices, ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL was “highly recommended” in the categories of Energy and Energy Projects, Restructuring and Insolvency and Competition Law and was “recommended” in the categories of M&A, Development and Real Estate Projects, Information Technology Law, Banking and Finance, Intellectual Property, Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Labour Law. In addition to the above, , ŘANDA HAVEL LEGAL was recommended in the special category of Czech Companies on International Markets. This result puts us among the best law firms in the Czech Republic.The annual awards are decided by an independent group of 250 evaluators from the ranks of companies and institutions, as well as by EPRAVO.CZ, an independent entity that monitors and follows lawyers in the Czech Republic.